The Dream Chronicles
Stories of inspiration, growth, and limitless possibilities.
Stories of inspiration, growth, and limitless possibilities.
I'm blessed to live this life. I've been hurt or betrayed by friends, loves, and family, but, for the most part, my life has been free from personal trauma. The impact of white supremacy and being African-American in this country has done the most damage to who I am. In this post, I share two racist events I internalized and what I did to heal from the trauma and clear the path to my full being. Many of you have or are enduring experiences I cannot imagine. May my story inspire you to take action to heal and clear your path to wellbeing. The path to your calling. Also, learn how I Dream PCS embeds trauma-sensitive practices into our school culture to create a safe space for learners, families and staff to thrive. 1st Place Winner, Connecticut State Oratorical Contest, 1976 An early trauma that needed healing to clear my path.
Trauma shapes who we are. I heard someone say on one of my binge-watching shows that our traumatic experiences are "the fence posts on which our lives our strung." Those experiences create limiting beliefs, as our brains makes sense of the pain. I healed the limiting beliefs that block the path to my calling with the help of Erika Totten, Spiritual Life Coach. Erika taught me that pain lives in our bodies, feeding on the limiting beliefs about ourselves and our need to relive the trauma through other experiences. Once we identified the limiting beliefs and the trauma at the roots, she taught me spiritual tools to release the beliefs I was chained to and replace them with awareness of my strength and the ability to step into my power. When you're ready to do this transformative work, seek professional help. You don't need to do it alone. Wellness is a value, not an afterthought, at I Dream PCS. The anecdote to the affects of trauma is relationships in a safe space. At I Dream PCS, a Zen Zone (see photo) provides a relaxing space for learners to start their day or reset during class time with a caring adult. Coaches and our Support Specialist speak regularly with families to build relationships and ensure basic needs are met. They connect families to resources when appropriate. Our partnership with Connected Psychology offers mental health support for learners and families. Our Wellness Consultant from 11:11 Wellness collaborates with school leaders to incorporate wellness practices into school meetings, professional learning plans, and social outings. At I Dream, well-being in community enables us all to heal, dream, learn and become. Dream Loud & Proud is now a Facebook page to create dialogue and sharing in this community of dreamers. Click here to join the conversation.